How the PlanWise Tool Works


Video duration: 2:34

On-screen: [The PlanWise™ Tool. By ETS®]

Speaker: Narrator -

Welcome to the PlanWise™ Tool. Our goal is to meet you where you already are, right in your lesson plans.

On-screen: [My Lesson Plan. Formative Assessment Activities. Maybe This One? Naaa…]

No need to search the internet for formative assessment practices and strategies while you're planning your lessons, the PlanWise™ Tool brings those practices and strategies right to you.

Formative assessment can have a significant impact on your students' learning. It's more than just quizzes. Formative assessment is about you and your students gaining greater insights into their understanding. These insights can help you tailor instruction and learning activities to students' needs and help your students make decisions about their own learning. This allows students to continue to progress in their learning. But learning about, planning for, and implementing formative assessment practices can be challenging.

On-screen: [My Lesson Plan. Learning goal. Peer Feedback.]

By meeting you in your lesson plans, the PlanWise™ Tool offers the opportunity to learn about targeted practices and strategies that you can then choose to include in your lesson plans and implement in a lesson whenever you're ready.

On-screen: [Two Stars and a Wish. Gallery Walk. Style.]

On-screen: [Using Learning Goals. Eliciting Student Understanding. Peer Feedback. Student Self-Assessment. Formative Feedback. Pre-Assessment.]

The strategies that the PlanWise™ Tool offers focus on the following formative assessment practices: using learning goals with your students, eliciting student understanding, engaging students in peer feedback, as well as self-assessment, providing formative feedback to students, and pre-assessing student understanding.

On-screen: [My Lesson Plan. Learning goal. Peer Feedback.]

Meeting you in your lesson plans is just one of the ways that PlanWise™ meets you where you are. The PlanWise™ Tool also detects what you're already planning to do in your lessons, and then recommends formative assessment practices specifically targeted to you. The tool will underline words in your plans that correspond to a formative assessment practice.

On-screen: [Two Stars and a Wish.]

Select any of the underlined words to learn about the corresponding practice, as well as to access strategies to help you implement that practice in your lessons.

When you find a strategy that you would like to try, you can copy it right into your lesson plan.

On-screen: [My Lesson Plan. Peer Feedback.]

You can also further customize your own experience with the PlanWise™ Tool by deciding which strategies you'd like to save in your personal library, which strategies you'd like to hide, and when you'd like to learn about and try new practices.

On-screen: [Group 1-4. Have some questions, getting there, understand. Group 1, Group 2. Later that unit…, Key Idea. This comparison is engaging and on-topic! But try to… Student Review, I’ll improve these areas.]

And it doesn't matter whether you're working with students in person, virtually, or in a hybrid model, all of the strategies that the PlanWise™ Tool offers can be used with students in any of these instructional settings.

On-screen: [Peer Feedback. Using Learning Goals. Formative Feedback. Peer Feedback. Student Self-Assessment. Pre-Assessment. Eliciting Student Understanding.]

Professional learning focused on formative assessment practices delivered right into your regular workflow at your pace and when you're ready, that's PlanWise™.

On-screen: [The PlanWise™ Tool.By ETS® Copyright © 2021 by ETS®. All rights reserved. ETS® and the ETS® logo are registered trademarks of ETS®. PlanWise™ is a trademark of ETS®. Patent Pending.]

End of Video: The PlanWise™ Tool By ETS®