Watch a Demo of the PlanWise® Tool
Video duration: 4:19
[00:00:00.03] Presentation. Slide. Text, Students move forward when instruction starts where they are. More tests aren't the answer. Logo, PlanWise by E.T.S., Image, A man teaches high schoolers in a classroom.
[00:00:01.65] SPEAKER: Our team is really excited to share with you an overview of PlanWise, an innovative tool that delivers resources to teachers like no tool before.
[00:00:14.83] None of us can get where we're going if we don't first know where we already are. Teachers and students will overcome learning loss only if they know where they already are in their understanding, and then can make purposeful decisions as a classroom learning community about how to get where they need to be. This takes more than just tests.
[00:00:42.33] With PlanWise, gauging student understanding becomes a regular part of classroom routines, as teachers learn new strategies and implement them with their students.
[00:00:55.17] Slide, It's Simple. Text, My Lesson Plan. A numbered list.
[00:00:56.04] PlanWise is really simple in a number of different ways. It's simple, because it's a Chrome extension. It's built to work where teachers already are, in Google Docs. There's no new platform, nothing to integrate.
[00:01:11.13] It's simple for teachers to find resources when they use PlanWise. Delivery's based on terms that are already in their lesson plans. This means that teachers don't have to search. PlanWise is doing the searching for them.
[00:01:26.47] It's also simple for teachers to figure out how to use PlanWise. Over and over, we see teachers launching and learning how to use PlanWise in a matter of minutes. Let's take a look at PlanWise in action.
[00:01:41.82] A Google document. Text, Mr. Tyler's Lesson Plan. A table.
[00:01:45.88] Administrators have told us all along the way that they don't want to introduce one more thing to teachers. We absolutely get that. And as we've worked with teachers all along the way, we've also made sure that they don't think of PlanWise as one more thing. Instead, they value PlanWise because it's working with them in their lesson plans.
[00:02:09.22] Here, you see Mr Tyler's lesson plan, a lesson plan that he already wrote in Google Docs. He has enabled PlanWise. And PlanWise has actually located a number of terms for which it has content to offer.
[00:02:23.96] A pop up box appears.
[00:02:24.43] He could click on warm-up, for example, in his own lesson plan, and explore some different strategies that he could actually use as part of the warm-up with his students.
[00:02:37.29] Another pop up box appears. Text, Mistakes Welcome.
[00:02:37.75] You can see here that he can actually read through the strategy, even look at a summary, decide that it's something he wants to try with his students, copy it, and then paste it right into his lesson plan.
[00:02:53.08] We've also learned from administrators that they hope that students are as involved in their own learning as their teachers are. And in order to engage students in their learning, teachers can use strategies like the one that we just saw. But they can also use other resources that PlanWise offers that are subject specific. These include questions that can actually help to reveal potential student misconceptions, the kinds of misconceptions students could be bringing to their learning.
[00:03:24.19] These and other resources can be used to initiate discussions with students and help teachers to learn about the importance of gauging student understanding and making purposeful decisions about next steps, based on where the students already are.
[00:03:40.47] PlanWise works no matter what the format is that teachers use to organize their lesson plans.
[00:03:46.46] A Google document with little text and little format.
[00:03:46.78] We see that this teacher has just started from scratch, from a blank Google document. PlanWise is working as they're typing.
[00:03:55.62] Mr
[00:03:55.68] A Google document with a table.
[00:03:56.07] Tyler's lesson plans were set up in a table kind of a format.
[00:03:59.58] A Google document with a table and columns with time stamps.
[00:03:59.97] And this teacher's lesson plans have another kind of an organizational structure.
[00:04:05.71] It doesn't matter the format. PlanWise will still work with the teacher during their lesson planning. We look forward to helping you to learn more about PlanWise.